2021 Year in Review

Two steps forward, one step back For the second year running, the pandemic was the focus for policy makers, markets, businesses, and individuals alike. The year began with hopes that the rollout of vaccines would stem the spread of COVID-19 and allow economies to reopen. Instead, most countries were hit by wave after wave of … Read more

Market movements & review video – January 2022

Stay up to date with what’s happened in Australian markets over the past month. The global economy and financial markets ended the year as they began, dominated by the pandemic, as the world grappled with a new wave of COVID-19. Please get in touch if you’d like assistance with your personal financial situation.

Investing on facts not FOMO

Prices for property, cryptocurrencies and shares have all hit records recently. While great news for investors, there’s always a risk that some people will jump into the market because they are afraid of missing out on easy money. FOMO, or the fear of missing out, has always been around on financial markets, but social media … Read more

Stepping stones to reach your goals

The calendar turns over to a fresh, brand new year, full of promise, so how do we keep those promises we make to ourselves and get to the end of the year with our resolutions intact and goals realised? We all start out with good intentions when we set our objectives for the year to … Read more

Australia is ripe for a road trip

With much of the country opening up after a long period of travel disruptions due to COVID-19, Australian’s now, more than ever, are taking the opportunity to get on the road and discover our own backyard. And, if you’re able to work flexibly, you may be able to extend that holiday a little longer or … Read more

The gift of giving this Christmas

Christmas is a time when we come together to celebrate with our family and friends. And, for those who haven’t been able to see friends and family due to border closures, it will be an even more joyous occasion this year. Gift-giving is typically a big part of celebrating Christmas and provides a great opportunity … Read more

Kicking financial goals in 2022

After a difficult year of COVID disruptions and uncertainty, the summer holidays can’t come quickly enough. It’s a chance to refresh and reflect on the year that was and hopefully set some goals for year ahead. Yet this year more than most, many of us may feel that our personal and financial priorities have shifted … Read more

Market movements & review video – December 2021

Stay up to date with what’s happened in Australian markets over the past month. As November drew to a close, and we look towards the end of the year, all eyes were on the new strain of the coronavirus, Omicron.  Please get in touch if you’d like assistance with your personal financial situation.

Investing in inflation

Inflation appears to be firmly on the rise and while that is bad news for consumers it’s not necessarily bad news for investors. In fact, inflation may provide new opportunities. In the September quarter, the consumer price index (CPI) rose 3 per cent year on year, a level previously not forecast to be reached until … Read more

Cyber security – protecting yourself at home

Greater flexibility in working arrangements has been a by-product of the pandemic, as working from home has become more widespread. In fact, The Families in Australia Survey: Towards COVID Normal reported in November 2020 that two thirds of Aussies were working from home. While this flexibility has many benefits, it does also bring downsides, such … Read more

Retirement income on the house

Asset rich and income poor is the dilemma faced by many retirees. But there may be opportunities to boost your income in retirement by tapping into your biggest asset – your home. With property prices booming, many retirees are finding that the home they have lived in for decades is worth a small fortune, but … Read more

Positives and negatives of gearing

Negatively gearing an investment property is viewed by many Australians as a tax effective way to get ahead. According to Treasury, more than 1.9 million people earned rental income in 2012-13 and of those about 1.3 million reported a net rental loss. So it was no surprise that many people were worried about how they … Read more